Pulir Encimera Marble

Pulidor de Encimeras y Paredes
If his encimeras of marble are deslucidas, aged, rayadas and in spite of the cleansing continued follow the same of rugosas and soiled, definitely has to have we.
We are specialists in polishing, cleansing and protection of encimeras, chimneys, walls and stairs of Marble, Terrazzo and Granite.

Own technician of ecological polishing and antialérgico with reduction of powder 90% Recovery of original colours. Half improvement estimated 80% according to case to customise.

We know how remove stains and lines of encimeras in baths and cookeries of marble, terrazzo and granite.

Treatment impermeabilizante of polished and protection, give solutions to how clean and pulir encimeras in baths and cookeries. Besides you will be able to choose three types of finishing; apomazado, brilliant and satinado.

To know the best price of pulir encimera marble. It can put in contact with us calling to the 93 232 00 42 or from the section of Contact.